Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Drumming - day 2

Mikael and David arrived at the studio around 13-isch, eager to record some kick-ass drumming! After all, David got off to a great start yesterday, the first song was completed in one coherent take! Probably first time ever in TF-recording history.

We kicked off the recording with SPAWN, a fast and intense track that contains some pretty difficult drum parts. In the end of this clip, you'll hear one of them.

Well, long story short: you can only go so far without junk food. David's pre-pizza attitude after 4 hours of drumming without completing a single song: "fuck this shit! I suck!! I'll never play drums again!!!" However, Davids post-pizza attitude: "Wohoo! I'll nail this song in no-time!!" facial expression

Said and done: after practicing some alternative ways of playing the riff that was posing problems, he finished the song a couple of takes later. movie clip of david bragging

Here is a clip of David tracking the last parts of SPAWN. Notice the calm and concentrated look on his face.

We then continued recording one of the other new songs; DISSOLVING SOUL FRAGMENTS. Things went much smoother with that one, and David nailed that with no difficulties. Clip of David playing some parts from DSF

Anyway, it's a good thing we have lots of breaks in our songs, because it gives many opportunities to punch in new takes. Otherwise we would actually have to learn how to go from one riff to another. Scary thought!

Here's Mikael's thoughts on the evolution of computer science: movie clip (in swedish)


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